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interview tips and tricks

Job Interviews: Tips and Tricks

You might want to sell your skills and abilities to a potential recruiter in exchange for a reasonable consideration. A job interview with the employer is all what you need to tell them about yourself and your potentials. Interviewers evaluate your credentials, assess your talents, and critique you to see if you make the right fit for the organization.

To leave your mark in the first job interview and appear as a strong candidate, you might want to flick through these job interview tips and tricks.

Interview Tip #1: DO YOUR HOMEWORK

If you wish to ace your job interview, don’t forget to do your homework. In simple words, audit the company inside out. Recruiters wish to hire those individuals who are not only serious about the job positions, but also well-conversant with the ABC of the company. Asking questions about the company during the interview is likely to add value to the candidate’s application.

Visit Glassdoor.com to search reviews from customers and employees about the company you have applied at.

Interview Tip #2: PICK YOUR OUTFIT

As cliché as it may sound, first impression is, really, the last impression! You have to leave your mark the second you walk into the interview room without uttering a word. Yes, YOUR CLOTHES TALK! Play safe and wear something professional. Pay more attention to grooming yourself. Accessories must be minimal yet sophisticated.

Solid colors are rather soothing and are recommended for interviews.

Interview Tip #3: PRACTICE

Here’s a thing about hiring managers; most of them would want to challenge you. Employers tend to ask questions alluding to your traumatic moments, past work experiences, tough decisions or where you might want to be in about five or ten years down the road. These are typically the standard questions asked in an interview that a candidate must practice preferably having somebody role play as the interviewer.

Don’t act too mechanically or well-rehearsed. Be confident!


This interview tip comes in handy for fresh graduates and active job-seeking candidates. An interview might come up with behavioral questions to learn more about the past working experiences of a candidate. In addition, such questions also enable the hiring manager gain insight into your emotional intelligence and personality in the workplace. Preparing for behavioral interview questions is an added bonus. Try to match your skills to the requirements of the employer.

Talk more about your conflict resolution, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Interview Tip #5: MAKE A PAUSE

It is okay to be nervous prior to an interview. Take comfort in the fact that even celebrities get anxious before interviews. For that matter, why don’t you take a break and use a restroom before heading onto your interview? Get in and calm yourself down. When anxiety kicks in, palms and face tend to get sweaty. It is better you wash and dry your face and hands.

If you’ve had a meal before your interview, do not forget to brush your teeth or use mint.

Interview Tip #6: REPORT EARLY

Punctuality will bring you one step closer to success. Candidates are expected to report about 5-10 minutes early to their interviews. You really cannot risk making a poor impression on the interviewers by arriving as little as a minute late. If you believe that you might get late, it is better to inform them of your situation. Your performance at the interview will be affected if you rush. Most interviewers agree to reschedule job interviews if the excuse is reasonable.

Try to report earlier if you are unfamiliar with the place of your interview so that you have enough time on hand to recover.


Confidence is what can get you places. Stand tall and straight, chin up, hold a gentle smile, and look confident. With a self-assured and comfortable demeanor, smile at the interviewer while introducing yourself. Greet everybody if you are interviewed by a panel. Your interaction with the interviewer(s) must be professional at all times. Nonverbal communication is also of equal significance. For instance, sitting up straight is a projection of assertiveness. Eye contact shows interest in the job position.

Divert all your focus on the one individual that asks questions in a panel interview.

Interview Tip #8: TAKE NOTES

Impress the interviewer by bringing a pen and notebook to the interview! It not only shows your attention to detail, but also your interest in the job position. Besides, bringing a pen and notebook to the interview can also serve as a cheat to look down when you struggle maintaining eye contact.

Seek your interviewer’s permission before pulling out your pen and notebook!


Do not be the first one to talk about salary! Let the interviewer know of your past or current salary if they ask about it. If situation permits, you may also mention that talking about salary in the first interview is rather premature. The first interview is always about the attainment of a sense of compatibility.

While you may be willing to work extra for the company, it is wise not to talk about overtime.


If you were terminated or laid off from your past employment, do not keep it from the interviewer. It’s better not to lie about it because the truth will eventually come out. Support your answers with facts. Provide appropriate reasons to explain why you are not proud of your work history, if needed. Be honest, confident and open!

Any job position that you secure through dishonesty will be in jeopardy!

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